Sunday, November 4, 2012


  • 17.6 lbs
  • fits perfectly into 9 month clothes
  • after a dozen leaky diapers, I bought a box of size 4. One thing I've learned is that the weight range printed on the box of diapers is pointless. There are only a couple of reasons why diapers leak time after time...too small or too big. So, even though the range for size 4's is something like 22-37 lbs, we're having much better luck. 
  • she can sit and prop herself up by her arms but it doesn't last long.
  • she loves Tap..he makes her smile and laugh without doing a thing.
  • she definitely knows her name.
  • I think she said "mama" the other day but I'm sure that she has no clue what it means.
  • she loves to eat. Sweet potatoes are her favorite and she makes a "mmmmmm" noise with every bite just like her big sister did when she was a baby.
  • her hair is's coming in blonde and you can see the line of color change...just like Ava's was.
  • I still rock and nurse her to sleep...I cherish those quiet moments with her, knowing that she'll be putting herself to sleep soon enough.
  • she's social and likes to be held.
  • she's working on getting some teeth...chew, chew, chew.
  • her scream is piercing. It's awful. 
  • she's just getting over her first cold.
  • found her ears (I guess grabbing at them does not mean she has an ear infection even though finding her ears and having her first cold would lead one to believe that infection could be possible) 
  • found her hair...and she pulls it...hard.
  • I can't be sure but she might be left handed...wonder if this will be effected by her broken clavicle?
  • loves the pat-a-cake song (especially the "roll it, roll it" part)
  • grabs at everything.
  • scoots all over on her tummy.
  • does anyone else think that she looks like Uncle John in this picture?

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