Friday, September 11, 2015


We've had a wonderful week. Ava loves school. 
The night before her first day, neither one of us slept very well. Ava couldn't fall asleep and Donald and I tucked her into bed three times. She cried a little bit because she was worried about missing her family. I did a lot from my pillow....I went to the Czech Republic, China, convention....I had tea and did laundry. :) I think we both tossed and turned all night.
On her first day, she hopped out of bed, got dressed and said goodbye to all of her stuffed animals. Her friend helped her on the bus and helped her find her teach at the school. When she got off the bus in the afternoon she ran down the sidewalk toward me and yelled, "Mommy!" 
I've enjoyed spending a little bit of quiet time with her every morning. She told me that she feels different. She doesn't know how to explain it but life is different now because she goes to school.

On her second day, she told me that she's really looking forward to summer vacation!

Yesterday, she forgot to get off the bus in the afternoon. As I watched the bus pull away, I had a little panic attack. I called the school and the bus garage. I was on the phone with the dispatcher when her bus pulled up again at the stop. The driver realized that something wasn't right and went around a couple of blocks. Boy, was I glad to see her! 

This morning was a little rough because she went to bed a little bit later than she should have. She had a bit of trouble handling her tight leggings and her bumpy socks but we made it out the door. :)

Her favorite classes are gym and art. 

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