Monday, April 23, 2012


Today was not a good day. We drove by the house again and found that nothing had been started and we were supposed to move in tomorrow! The truck was scheduled to deliver tomorrow...starting on Wednesday we'll be charged $50/day for storage! Talk about crunch time! Our realtor found us a different house so we went to check it out, didn't like it and decided to wait and see what would happened with the original one...the man told us that it would be ready to move into tomorrow are they going to get all of the painting and cleaning done in one day!?!?! We got back to the cabin and the more we thought about it, the less we wanted deal with the people who own the house. Donald called them up and told them the deal was off...then we tried looking for other houses. No luck. Nothing out there. So we had to eat crow, call back and tell them that if they could get everything done by tomorrow that we could make it work. So I cancelled the trailer delivery (to reschedule tomorrow for a Wednesday delivery if they actually pull through for us)....Take all that and top it off with horrible Texas drivers, unsmiling postal workers, a very crabby 2 year old and a very stressed out pregnant mama and it makes for a very bad day. We're wiped out. Tired.
I called the Dr. today and the first thing they told me was that they would have to talk to the Dr. to see if he would see me and assume responsibility since I'm so far along. Great. He said that he would but I would need to pay all of my deductible up front. When it rains, it pours. Oh well...
The only highlight was Ava getting her baby (that we forgot at Grandma and Grandpa Waldo's) in the mail. 
Ava has been singing a song that has actually been kind of a help to reminds me that no matter where we live, as long our little family is together, life is good. It goes like this:
Home, where I have my bed.
Home, with my Mom and Dad.
Any home, with my family,
Is palace enough for me...

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