Monday, November 5, 2012


It seems that there haven't been any huge events lately...just little day to day stuff that make our lives so awesome. :)

  • the weather has been much more pleasant. Anywhere from 60 - 80 degrees with a touch of fall in the air.
  • Kenny came to Texas and went to Mountain Peak with us. So good to see him.
  • Ava has been singing "Give Me a Heart" sweet.
  • another good day at the market in Montgomery selling pecans...we enjoy our outings.
  • Ava has been so sweet. She tells me all day long, "I love you, Mama."
  • For some reason, she calls me "Mama" now.
  • Did I mention that Jaina said "Mama"? Pretty sure it was a fluke.
  • baby Ava and Jaina are alike in so many ways...crazy hair, the little noises they make when they eat, "humming" themselves to sleep...I love watching them grow.
  • Ava said today, "Mama, I love Jaina. She's so beautiful. She's my best sister."
  • the other day, Ava said, "Mama, have you ever seen a noodle chase a cow?"
  • Ava has been learning new words and it's hilarious to listen to her try to use them! She rambles on and on and makes no sense whatsoever. "It's no fair to get some resist on him!" Umm...what does that mean anyway?
  • Ava made her own PB&J sandwich today for the first time. She even cut the crust off.
  • I'm trying to treasure the 'in-between' days and make the most of them. 
  • Ava's bedtime routine has changed to a tight hug and kiss on the lips. :)
  • Tap has been extra naughty lately...I wonder if he's mad at us. 
  • I'm thankful for Skype and makes friends and family seem not so far away. 


  1. I wish there was a "like" button for every single one of your bullet points - I'd like them all. So, like, like like times many more!!!
