Monday, March 21, 2016


We have another round of crud at our house....will it ever end? The school nurse called and Ava was running a fever. I picked her up and now all of my kids are in bed (hopefully napping). Oscar started coming down with whatever this is last Sunday....running high fevers, coughing, Ava and Jaina both have it. In the meantime, I picked something up too.....
I'm hoping we don't miss too many swimming lessons.....
Donald has been working working working....
I've been failing at my running for the past week. Between snow storms and sickness and Donald working late, I can't seem to get it done. 

On a more happy note! I asked Oscar how old he is going to be on his birthday and he said, "two"!!!!!! I was so shocked!! 

Grandma and Grandpa W will be here in 10 days!!! 

Happy Monday! I'm off to take advantage of this silence! #naptime.

....or maybe I should work on that shelf project I started....or fold laundry....I wish the coffee shop had delivery service. 

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